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Seven Years After Bridge

Seven Years After Bridge

As he applies to MBA programs, Duncan Blount Bridge T'15 looks back on the impact his Bridge experience had on his career path. 

Meet Marquist Allen Bridge’21, D’24

Meet Marquist Allen Bridge’21, D’24

Marquist Allen Bridge'21, D'24 was recently profiled on the Tuck360 blog in honor of Black Legacy Month.

Tuck Bridge Celebrates 25th Anniversary

Tuck Bridge Celebrates 25th Anniversary

Tuck News recently shared an article on the Bridge program's celebration of 25 years and the launch of a new giving campaign.

Dedric Polite Bridge’04 Stars on A&E Show

Dedric Polite Bridge’04 Stars on A&E Show

Polite's company, which he runs with his wife Krystal, will be featured on the new A&E show 50/50 Flip.

5 Ways Tuck Bridge Prepared Me for My Career

5 Ways Tuck Bridge Prepared Me for My Career

Cameron Peyko attended Bridge in the summer before her junior year of college. Today, she is a Portfolio Management Group Analyst for Hall Capital Partners...

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Lesley Chin, Bridge 2003

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Lesley Chin, Bridge 2003

Lesley Chin T’13 knew she wanted to pursue a business career after she graduated from Harvard, but since she had a liberal arts background...

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Jesse Laflamme, Bridge 1999

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Jesse Laflamme, Bridge 1999

Jesse Laflamme loved the liberal arts education he received at Bates. But he got a little worried when he saw older classmates struggle to find...

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Lauren Alpeyrie, Bridge 2010

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Lauren Alpeyrie, Bridge 2010

As a double major in English and Engineering, Lauren Alpeyrie T’17 had a classic liberal arts education. She decided to enroll in Bridge as...

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Jackson New-Smith, Bridge 2019

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Jackson New-Smith, Bridge 2019

Bridge turned out to be the perfect preparation for New-Smith's new role in baseball operations with the Cubs.

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Megan Grip, Bridge 2017

Where Will Bridge Take You?: Megan Grip, Bridge 2017

Megan Grip was in her second year at Hamilton when she learned about Bridge.

Why is Tuck Business Bridge Too Good to Miss?

Why is Tuck Business Bridge Too Good to Miss?

Qiya (Kaye) Mao, Davidson College ’21 talks about her Bridge experience and shares some of her biggest takeaways.

Where Will Bridge Take You?: J.B. Andreassi, Bridge 2012

Where Will Bridge Take You?: J.B. Andreassi, Bridge 2012

A three-year starter on Dartmouth’s football team, J.B. Andreassi D'12, Bridge '12 chose to attend Bridge right after graduation and before he started...