Tuck Bridge Featured on Poets&Quants for Undergrads
Poets&Quants for Undergrads recently caught up with Lisa Tedeschi, executive director of undergraduate programs at Tuck, to learn more about Tuck Bridge.
Do you see students who’ve earned their certificate in the Bridge program later come back to Tuck for an MBA? Does this help establish recruiting relationships for Tuck?
“Not only do our program alumni pay it forward and come back to volunteer their time to help our current students with internships and jobs, but we have many Bridge alumni that come back and apply to Tuck every year–an average of about 36 who apply to Tuck every year. On average, about 10 Bridge alumni per year attend Tuck.
Study groups are made up of students with different educational backgrounds to help diversify the learning experience. The study groups also work on the program’s capstone together. Photo credit: Tuck School of Business
After you’ve come to Hanover for three weeks and gone through the Bridge program, it’s such a good interview for the MBA program. They say, “Yeah. This community is something that I can see myself being a part of.” So, yes, we definitely look at the Bridge program as a nice window into potential future connection.”