Tuck Bridge Stories: Hitesh Jonnalagadda
Note: This post originally appeared on Hitesh Jonnalagadda’s LinkedIn page.
After receiving my admission, I reached out to Bridge alumni and received replies within a few hours. They patiently shared their experiences with me. The community was indeed close-knit.
Coming from a computer science and engineering background, I wasn't sure about taking this program almost two and half years after graduating and joining the workforce. I am glad I made the decision to attend. There were many things I didn't know before the program; my teammates, who were younger than me and came from humanities and economics backgrounds, already knew a lot of the material. In the initial days, I thought I was not performing as they were, but my study group and Bridge fellows got me up to speed. I gained an in-depth understanding of the business world, and along with my study group, applied this knowledge to our team capstone valuation project on YETI Holdings.
It was an unforgettable experience being surrounded by brilliant Bridge faculty, administration, MBA fellows, and exceptional team members (Natalie, Emily, Marcus, and Omar). Not only did the program give me a mini MBA experience at the Tuck School of Business, but it also provided me with a close-knit community. I am proud to be a Bridger and would love to come back to Tuck for my MBA in the coming years. I look forward to utilizing the business skills I gained from class, the capstone project, and my classmates! In addition, I'm grateful for the relationships I've fostered that will last a lifetime.
—Hitesh Jonnalagadda (Mahindra University ’19, Bridge ’22)